From motor boat to sail boat through Lake Michigan and Lake Superior
For the short version, here is a list of legs I sailed from Muskegon MI ultimately to Dulth, MN. Each leg has many special memories and special people I met along the way. Read the posts below for more details.
- Whitehall, MI Jeff solo sailing July, 4
- Pentwater, MI July, 5
- Frankfort, MI July, 6
- Good Harbor Bay
- Leland, MI (picked up Heather and Ethan)(marina)
- Back to South Manitou Island for some relaxation and island fun
- Dropped Heather off in Leland, MI July, 17
- St. Helana Island Ethan continues with JeffJuly, 18
- Drummand Island July, 19
- Sault St. Marie (marina) July, 21 (overnight up the river)
- Whitefish point harbor of refuge July, 23
- Grand Marais, MI July, 27
- Munising, MI Pictured Rocks National lake shore and Grand Island July, 28
- Copper Harbor, MI Aug, 1
- Grand Marais, MN Aug, 6
- Cruising around Bayfiled and the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore
- Duluth, MN
- Grand Marais, MN
- Isle Royale, MI
- Duluth, MN
- Lots of day sails until haulout Nov. 5
I'm sailing! Finally sailing and it feels amazing Joined by the crew I picked up heather and Ethan in Leland, MI for some fun around the dunes onwards Heather returned to Minneapolis while Ethan and I continued north by boat Fall sailing The big trip was done, but the sailing wasn’t. Fall sailing on Lake Superior is awesome.