After the summer fun in August, the weather turned to fall, but the sailing was still excellent. We decided the boat would winter at Barker’s Island and we would winter in Duluth, so there was still some time for fun day sails and a quick trip to Grand Marais for a music festival and then on to Isle Royale. I had been dreaming of sailing to Isle Royale for years and wasn’t disappointed. It truned out to be a quick trip due to cold and wet weather, but I’m glad we went. We were there for a couple days and a few hikes. It was also our longest passage yet at 140nm. In addition to that, we had a blast taking numerous guests out for day sails around Duluth.
Leaving the Superior, WI entry en route to Isle Royale
Rock Of Ages Lighthouse Lake Superior
Crew atop an overlook on Isle Royle
We hiked out of Windigo ranger station for a few days.
View of Washington harbor just before we sailed off to take advantage of the NE winds to push us back to duluth.
Day sails out of Duluth
Finally the season ends, like it always has before, with a haulout.