Duluth to the North Channel...and back.
The rough plan was for me to sail the boat to Escanaba, MI for my Grandma’s 90th b-day party where Heather and Ethan would meet me and we’d sail back together taking a slight right turn at the North Channel for some exploring. It turns out that’s exactly what happened and everything went roughly to plan.
Solo Sail Across Lake Superior It turns out that it’s cold on Lake Superior in June Down the St. Mary's River Down river on the big ship super highway Les Cheneaux Islands Les Cheneaux Islands to wait out unfavorable winds Mackinac Straights Beating my brains on the Mackinac Straights. On to Grandma's party Fast fast passage across northern Lake Michigan. The boat knows the way to grandma’s house. Heather and Ethan Arrive Heather and Ethan arrive. Let the vacationing begin! Time to turn around and head home After the north channel, our schedule was dictated by getting to the apostle Islands.